Piles Treatment - Say No to Surgery ...!

Only 15 Days of Treatment, The Hemorrhoids Fall Down From The Roots !

Piles or Hemorrhoids has become a common problem now a days. It may be due to our changed routines like compact physical movement, irregular food in take and eating of fast food etc. These factors lead to disturbance in digestive system leading to constipation. Due to which the human being has to put extra stress while passing stool leading to pulling of blood in veins and subsequent engorgement in the form of pile crowds. Thus we see the Piles are nothing but engorged blood vessels in the anal canal.

Piles are commonly known as बवासीर in the society and is considered as social stigma. Due to lack of knowledge and social inhibition; people do not debate this problem flexibly and are subsequently mistaken by quacks like benagli treatment, madrasi treatment, Chandsi treatment etc. 

Anal region being a very complex part; the pt. usually avoids any type of surgical intervention in this area and they are looking for some alternative to surgery.

पाइल्स को जड़ से खत्म करने और रोगी को भकन्दर जैसी गंभीर स्थिति से बचाने का सिर्फ एक ही इलाज है जो "फार्मा साइंस द इंडियन आयुर्वेदा" द्वारा सदियों के अनुसन्धान  व प्रयोगो से तैयार किया गया है जिसे  "एंटी पाइल्स कम्पलीट रेसोलुशन" के नाम से जाना जाता है यह ईलाज मात्र 15 दिनों के अंदर ही पाईल्स को जड से खत्म कर देता है l साथ ही यह उपचार 100% मनी बैक गारंटी बेस्ड है l
 Depending upon the presentation the hemorrhoids (Piles) are grossly divided in two categories-

1. External Piles 

As the name indicates; these are the pile masses which are present outdoor the anal orifice. They do not bleed but when huge in size; may put some obstruction to the passage of stools. Some times patient complains of itching in these masses. When inflamed they become painful and swollen.

There are three stages of Internal pile. In first stage; patient complains of painless bleeding. At this stage; doctor finds presence of internal pile crowds on spectroscopy.  In the second stage, the pile masses start bulging out while passing stool. Initially they get reduced by itself but in advanced stage; patients need to reduce these manually. In the third stage; the internal pile mass comes out not only at the time of passing stool but also while walking and sitting.  

 Treatment for Piles 

First phase of therapy : -

The mixture of this medicinal mixture is applied on the patient's piles of piles for 7 days. The effect of this medicine comes out with the help of hemorrhoids, and the internal matter which comes out after coming out in the future and again becomes hemorrhoids The causes of this cause also come out of the effect of this medicine. 

Second phase of therapy : -

This process is also 7 days, the drug used in this stage is very effective. After this, this drug is applied regularly on the excretory m. With this effect, gradually drying it Fall from the root and end up in the end. The piles of the piles are never again in the future after leaving the root.

 Other Operational Processes

1. Required expert Dr.'s or surgeon for any operational process.
2. Any operational process mostly target to external hemorrhoids only.
3. Cut and stitches marks will be remains life time.
4. Their is huge recurrence ratio after any operational treatment of piles.
5. Due to operation of piles; mostly patients get fistula.
6. Rectal pressure control system can be damaged after surgery.
7. For any type of surgery we required hospitalized our patient. 

Our Anti Piles Complete Resolution

1. Here we don't required any expert because any mature persons can apply it; including patient family member also.
2. When we apply it on the external hemorrhoid, it also trigger to internal hemorrhoid & force it to comes out.
3. The marks made after this treatment are automatically erased in a few weeks and it comes to natural skin tone.
4. After this treatment no recurrence has been seen in any patient till present.
5. After this treatment, it does not fistula to any patient due to this.
6. After this treatment, the patient get new, strong and contracted muscle around anus area.

7. For this treatment we are not required to admit the patients in to hospital, rather this can be treated with some precautions at the patient's home only.

The patient suffering from piles should:

1.    Increase consumption of fibrous food

2.    Increase intake of fluid/ butter milk
3.    Exercise regularly
4.    Always try to reduce the pile masses by applying pressure with fingers so that they         remain inside the rectum
5.    Should not Spend more than 10 minutes for passing stool
6.    Should not Strain too much while passing stool
7.    Should not Consume fast food, spicy and oily food


Contact Us :- 9200060777,9039136777 
Website :- http://www.antipiles.com/ 
Website :- https://www.ipharmascience.com



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